Track map panel using latitudes and longitudes( Problem with decimal part)

I am using a plugin from OCS portal which is currently in development. I am trying to visualize the movement of a collar data using latitude and longitude values using Track Map panel.
I can see that the query retrieves the data properly as below:

whereas when we see the data ,it removes the decimal part of the latitudes and longitudes mainly.

How can we allow the query to consider the decimal values in it?

This problem is only with this panel. If I plot a graph, all the decimal are visible or atleast there is option in the panel to allow the number of decimal values.

Have any one faced this issue? Any solution please ? Can we edit the panel json to allow the decimal values of coordinates?

Iā€™m not sure if this will translate to your map, but it works for Table Panel data. You can set the number of decimals to display under Field / Standard Options / Decimals. You can also add an Override for a specific column/field if you want.

Also, if you have to use variables to move the data around, I found this is the only one that allows you to get the raw value with decimals

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