The source for ..... needs to go through babel but is over 256000 bytes

Hello, I am having this output error using k6 cloud on CLI.

WARN[0023] The source for `file:///Users/<redacted>` needs to go through babel but is over 256000 bytes. For performance reasons source map support will be disabled for this particular file.  instance_id=1 lz="amazon:us:columbus" test_run_id=1342649
WARN[0023] The source for `file:///Users/<redacted>` needs to go through babel but is over 256000 bytes. For performance reasons source map support will be disabled for this particular file.  instance_id=0 lz="amazon:us:portland" test_run_id=1342649

Running my test from the cloud web interface does not give me the error. But, when running from CLI I get the error. Strangely, the test does complete and the results are viewable in my k6 account.

I have tarred the test as suggested in other community discussions.

-rw-r--r--  1 user  staff   298K Apr 29 13:21 archive.tar

The test script is quite small. Is 256 Kb really my limit? We’re using the Team level subscription.

This is just a warning, not an error, that source maps won’t be available for the <redacted> file since it was over 256KB (our default limit). The test will still be executed, but some things like line numbers on errors might not be accurate.

See this for details, especially the Temporary warning section.

@ned Thanks for the reply.