Hello, I am having this output error using k6 cloud on CLI.
WARN[0023] The source for `file:///Users/<redacted>` needs to go through babel but is over 256000 bytes. For performance reasons source map support will be disabled for this particular file. instance_id=1 lz="amazon:us:columbus" test_run_id=1342649
WARN[0023] The source for `file:///Users/<redacted>` needs to go through babel but is over 256000 bytes. For performance reasons source map support will be disabled for this particular file. instance_id=0 lz="amazon:us:portland" test_run_id=1342649
Running my test from the cloud web interface does not give me the error. But, when running from CLI I get the error. Strangely, the test does complete and the results are viewable in my k6 account.
I have tarred the test as suggested in other community discussions.
-rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 298K Apr 29 13:21 archive.tar
The test script is quite small. Is 256 Kb really my limit? We’re using the Team level subscription.