Teams and folder permissions

I am using the free edition of Grafana 11.1.

I have set up several teams (let’s call them A, B and C) and corresponding folders “A”, “B” and “C”. Members of team A can edit dashboards in folder A, team B in folder B and team C in folder C.

But I also want to allow team B and C to view the dashboards of team A, and vice versa for all teams. Is it possible to set this in a general way, or do I have to enumerate each team on each folder and assign view permissions? This would become rather cumbersome if the number of teams grows.

To answer my own question: As every user is an “Editor”, but should act out this role only on their own folder, I had to set

role: Editor - permission: View

on each folder, and override this with

team: A - permission: Edit

for e.g. team A on folder A. Not very intuitive, but it seems to work.

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