Summarize the metric based on time range


Please help me set up Grafana
I need summarize the metric based on current time range. For example:

I set time range “today” - and I want to see on singlestat my metric wich summarize statistic from 00:00 to current moment


I set time range “yesterday” - and I want to see on singlestat my metric wich summarize statistic from 00:00 yesterday to current moment

summarize(metric, ‘24h’, ‘sum’, false)&from=00:00&until=now
not working

How I can do this? Write functions example please

I need somebody help!

What is the result you are getting vs what you expect?

If all you want is the sum then I’d suggest using consolidateBy(metric, 'sum') and setting maxDataPoints to 1 in the singlestat settings.