SQL query to group labels and display multiple line graphs

Hi All,

  • Grafana v.9.3.6
  • PostrgreSQL v14.3

I have this dataset:

I’d like to have a single graph that groups the “label_name” records together and displays each “label_name” as its own independent line on the graph.

Using the query below, I can get Grafana to display the data using the “Table view”, but when trying to visualize it as a line graph it shows up as just one line, see below. Thanks in advanced

SELECT object_dt as time, object_value, label_name FROM house_data WHERE label_name LIKE ‘%TEMPE%’


Check this thread out

This is nearly identical to my use case but I’m trying to create an Alert. Alerts don’t allow “long” datatype and must be “wide” data type, so using the solution in the thread does not work for us.