Snapshot using http api does nothing

Well, when you create a snapshot through API you must provide the data - Grafana will not automatically query the data when you create a snapshot.

For example, I created a snapshot of the following dashboard (removed all panels except one before creating snapshot) and publishing it to

Using chrome dev tools this is what happens in browser when creating a snapshot and publishing it to from Grafana UI:

  1. When sending HTTP POST to the browser will first automatically send a HTTP OPTIONS request to to negotiate CORS.
  2. The HTTP OPTIONS response returns the following headers which tells the browser that a HTTP POST request is allowed to be made from any origin (browser)
    Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type, Origin, Accept, User-Agent, Cache-Control, Keep-Alive
    Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS
    Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
  3. The actual HTTP POST is sent to (see request/response below). As you can see the actual data is included in snapshotData properties in the body.
Request body
  "dashboard": {
    "annotations": {
      "enable": false,
      "list": [
          "name": "Annotations & Alerts",
          "enable": true,
          "iconColor": "rgba(0, 211, 255, 1)",
          "snapshotData": [],
          "type": "dashboard",
          "builtIn": 1,
          "hide": true
    "editable": true,
    "gnetId": null,
    "graphTooltip": 1,
    "id": 3,
    "links": [],
    "panels": [
        "aliasColors": {
          "web_server_01": "#badff4",
          "web_server_02": "#5195ce",
          "web_server_03": "#1f78c1",
          "web_server_04": "#0a437c"
        "annotate": { "enable": false },
        "bars": false,
        "dashLength": 10,
        "dashes": false,
        "datasource": null,
        "editable": true,
        "fill": 6,
        "grid": { "max": null, "min": 0 },
        "gridPos": { "h": 11, "w": 16, "x": 0, "y": 0 },
        "id": 2,
        "interactive": true,
        "legend": {
          "alignAsTable": false,
          "avg": false,
          "current": false,
          "max": false,
          "min": false,
          "rightSide": false,
          "show": true,
          "total": false,
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        "nullPointMode": "connected",
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        "percentage": false,
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        "points": false,
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        "resolution": 100,
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        "seriesOverrides": [],
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              [29, 1535370470000],
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              [27.900000000000002, 1535370500000],
              [27.450000000000003, 1535370510000],
              [28.5, 1535370520000],
              [28.55, 1535370530000],
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              [26.3, 1535370550000],
              [28.700000000000003, 1535370560000],
              [27.450000000000003, 1535370570000],
              [27.15, 1535370580000],
              [27.05, 1535370590000],
              [25.85, 1535370600000],
              [26.85, 1535370610000],
              [27.35, 1535370620000],
              [29.1, 1535370630000],
              [30.900000000000002, 1535370640000],
              [29.300000000000004, 1535370650000],
              [27.5, 1535370660000],
              [25.950000000000003, 1535370670000],
              [25.35, 1535370680000],
              [25.150000000000002, 1535370690000],
              [25.6, 1535370700000],
              [27.6, 1535370710000],
              [27.75, 1535370720000],
              [28.35, 1535370730000],
              [30.75, 1535370740000]
            "target": "web_server_01"
            "datapoints": [
              [26.85, 1535370450000],
              [28.6, 1535370460000],
              [28.950000000000003, 1535370470000],
              [28.65, 1535370480000],
              [28.75, 1535370490000],
              [29.050000000000004, 1535370500000],
              [28.6, 1535370510000],
              [26.4, 1535370520000],
              [26.450000000000003, 1535370530000],
              [25.550000000000004, 1535370540000],
              [26.200000000000003, 1535370550000],
              [29.6, 1535370560000],
              [29.15, 1535370570000],
              [27.05, 1535370580000],
              [26.450000000000003, 1535370590000],
              [25.200000000000003, 1535370600000],
              [25.5, 1535370610000],
              [27.6, 1535370620000],
              [31.25, 1535370630000],
              [31.200000000000003, 1535370640000],
              [27.400000000000002, 1535370650000],
              [27.050000000000004, 1535370660000],
              [27, 1535370670000],
              [25.5, 1535370680000],
              [26.200000000000003, 1535370690000],
              [26.5, 1535370700000],
              [25.700000000000003, 1535370710000],
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              [29.6, 1535370730000],
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            "datapoints": [
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              [28.9, 1535370470000],
              [28.450000000000003, 1535370480000],
              [28.05, 1535370490000],
              [28.35, 1535370500000],
              [29.300000000000004, 1535370510000],
              [26.550000000000004, 1535370520000],
              [25.400000000000002, 1535370530000],
              [25.3, 1535370540000],
              [26.200000000000003, 1535370550000],
              [26.900000000000002, 1535370560000],
              [26.85, 1535370570000],
              [28.55, 1535370580000],
              [28.55, 1535370590000],
              [25.4, 1535370600000],
              [25.200000000000003, 1535370610000],
              [27, 1535370620000],
              [29.05, 1535370630000],
              [30.55, 1535370640000],
              [27.700000000000003, 1535370650000],
              [28.1, 1535370660000],
              [28, 1535370670000],
              [25.700000000000003, 1535370680000],
              [25.05, 1535370690000],
              [25.8, 1535370700000],
              [26.9, 1535370710000],
              [26.9, 1535370720000],
              [29.9, 1535370730000],
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            "target": "web_server_03"
            "datapoints": [
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              [28.25, 1535370480000],
              [30.3, 1535370490000],
              [31.200000000000003, 1535370500000],
              [30.200000000000003, 1535370510000],
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              [28.6, 1535370530000],
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              [27.6, 1535370550000],
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              [27.700000000000003, 1535370570000],
              [28.75, 1535370580000],
              [29.450000000000003, 1535370590000],
              [28.200000000000003, 1535370600000],
              [28.550000000000004, 1535370610000],
              [27.150000000000002, 1535370620000],
              [25.6, 1535370630000],
              [27.450000000000003, 1535370640000],
              [26.9, 1535370650000],
              [26.05, 1535370660000],
              [26.450000000000003, 1535370670000],
              [25.75, 1535370680000],
              [26.700000000000003, 1535370690000],
              [28.35, 1535370700000],
              [27.35, 1535370710000],
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              [28.05, 1535370730000],
              [30.950000000000003, 1535370740000]
            "target": "web_server_04"
        "spaceLength": 10,
        "spyable": true,
        "stack": true,
        "steppedLine": false,
        "targets": [],
        "thresholds": [],
        "timeFrom": null,
        "timeShift": null,
        "timezone": "browser",
        "title": "server requests",
        "tooltip": {
          "msResolution": false,
          "query_as_alias": true,
          "shared": true,
          "sort": 0,
          "value_type": "cumulative"
        "type": "graph",
        "xaxis": { "buckets": null, "mode": "time", "name": null, "show": true, "values": [] },
        "yaxes": [
          { "format": "short", "logBase": 1, "max": null, "min": null, "show": true },
          { "format": "short", "logBase": 1, "max": null, "min": null, "show": true }
        "yaxis": { "align": false, "alignLevel": null },
        "zerofill": true,
        "links": []
    "refresh": false,
    "schemaVersion": 16,
    "snapshot": { "timestamp": "2018-08-27T11:52:22.450Z" },
    "style": "dark",
    "tags": ["demo"],
    "templating": { "list": [] },
    "time": {
      "from": "2018-08-27T11:47:26.458Z",
      "to": "2018-08-27T11:52:26.459Z",
      "raw": { "from": "now-5m", "to": "now" }
    "timepicker": {
      "collapse": false,
      "enable": true,
      "notice": false,
      "now": true,
      "refresh_intervals": ["5s", "10s", "30s", "1m", "5m", "15m", "30m", "1h", "2h", "1d"],
      "status": "Stable",
      "time_options": ["5m", "15m", "1h", "2h", " 6h", "12h", "24h", "2d", "7d", "30d"],
      "type": "timepicker"
    "timezone": "browser",
    "title": "Big Dashboard",
    "uid": "000000003",
    "version": 16
  "name": "Big Dashboard",
  "expires": 0
Response body
  "deleteKey": "<delete key>",
  "deleteUrl": "<delete key>",
  "key": "<access key>",
  "url": "<access key>"
  1. Another HTTP POST is sent to (see request/response below).
Request body
  "dashboard": {
    "annotations": {
      "enable": false,
      "list": [
          "name": "Annotations & Alerts",
          "enable": true,
          "iconColor": "rgba(0, 211, 255, 1)",
          "snapshotData": [],
          "type": "dashboard",
          "builtIn": 1,
          "hide": true
    "editable": true,
    "gnetId": null,
    "graphTooltip": 1,
    "id": 3,
    "links": [],
    "panels": [
        "aliasColors": {
          "web_server_01": "#badff4",
          "web_server_02": "#5195ce",
          "web_server_03": "#1f78c1",
          "web_server_04": "#0a437c"
        "annotate": { "enable": false },
        "bars": false,
        "dashLength": 10,
        "dashes": false,
        "datasource": null,
        "editable": true,
        "fill": 6,
        "grid": { "max": null, "min": 0 },
        "gridPos": { "h": 11, "w": 16, "x": 0, "y": 0 },
        "id": 2,
        "interactive": true,
        "legend": {
          "alignAsTable": false,
          "avg": false,
          "current": false,
          "max": false,
          "min": false,
          "rightSide": false,
          "show": true,
          "total": false,
          "values": false
        "legend_counts": true,
        "lines": true,
        "linewidth": 1,
        "nullPointMode": "connected",
        "options": false,
        "percentage": false,
        "pointradius": 5,
        "points": false,
        "renderer": "flot",
        "resolution": 100,
        "scale": 1,
        "seriesOverrides": [],
        "snapshotData": [
            "datapoints": [
              [27.650000000000002, 1535370450000],
              [28.950000000000003, 1535370460000],
              [29, 1535370470000],
              [27.9, 1535370480000],
              [28.200000000000003, 1535370490000],
              [27.900000000000002, 1535370500000],
              [27.450000000000003, 1535370510000],
              [28.5, 1535370520000],
              [28.55, 1535370530000],
              [25.55, 1535370540000],
              [26.3, 1535370550000],
              [28.700000000000003, 1535370560000],
              [27.450000000000003, 1535370570000],
              [27.15, 1535370580000],
              [27.05, 1535370590000],
              [25.85, 1535370600000],
              [26.85, 1535370610000],
              [27.35, 1535370620000],
              [29.1, 1535370630000],
              [30.900000000000002, 1535370640000],
              [29.300000000000004, 1535370650000],
              [27.5, 1535370660000],
              [25.950000000000003, 1535370670000],
              [25.35, 1535370680000],
              [25.150000000000002, 1535370690000],
              [25.6, 1535370700000],
              [27.6, 1535370710000],
              [27.75, 1535370720000],
              [28.35, 1535370730000],
              [30.75, 1535370740000]
            "target": "web_server_01"
            "datapoints": [
              [26.85, 1535370450000],
              [28.6, 1535370460000],
              [28.950000000000003, 1535370470000],
              [28.65, 1535370480000],
              [28.75, 1535370490000],
              [29.050000000000004, 1535370500000],
              [28.6, 1535370510000],
              [26.4, 1535370520000],
              [26.450000000000003, 1535370530000],
              [25.550000000000004, 1535370540000],
              [26.200000000000003, 1535370550000],
              [29.6, 1535370560000],
              [29.15, 1535370570000],
              [27.05, 1535370580000],
              [26.450000000000003, 1535370590000],
              [25.200000000000003, 1535370600000],
              [25.5, 1535370610000],
              [27.6, 1535370620000],
              [31.25, 1535370630000],
              [31.200000000000003, 1535370640000],
              [27.400000000000002, 1535370650000],
              [27.050000000000004, 1535370660000],
              [27, 1535370670000],
              [25.5, 1535370680000],
              [26.200000000000003, 1535370690000],
              [26.5, 1535370700000],
              [25.700000000000003, 1535370710000],
              [28.150000000000002, 1535370720000],
              [29.6, 1535370730000],
              [29.75, 1535370740000]
            "target": "web_server_02"
            "datapoints": [
              [28.75, 1535370450000],
              [29.8, 1535370460000],
              [28.9, 1535370470000],
              [28.450000000000003, 1535370480000],
              [28.05, 1535370490000],
              [28.35, 1535370500000],
              [29.300000000000004, 1535370510000],
              [26.550000000000004, 1535370520000],
              [25.400000000000002, 1535370530000],
              [25.3, 1535370540000],
              [26.200000000000003, 1535370550000],
              [26.900000000000002, 1535370560000],
              [26.85, 1535370570000],
              [28.55, 1535370580000],
              [28.55, 1535370590000],
              [25.4, 1535370600000],
              [25.200000000000003, 1535370610000],
              [27, 1535370620000],
              [29.05, 1535370630000],
              [30.55, 1535370640000],
              [27.700000000000003, 1535370650000],
              [28.1, 1535370660000],
              [28, 1535370670000],
              [25.700000000000003, 1535370680000],
              [25.05, 1535370690000],
              [25.8, 1535370700000],
              [26.9, 1535370710000],
              [26.9, 1535370720000],
              [29.9, 1535370730000],
              [31.1, 1535370740000]
            "target": "web_server_03"
            "datapoints": [
              [25.950000000000003, 1535370450000],
              [26.6, 1535370460000],
              [27.300000000000004, 1535370470000],
              [28.25, 1535370480000],
              [30.3, 1535370490000],
              [31.200000000000003, 1535370500000],
              [30.200000000000003, 1535370510000],
              [28.5, 1535370520000],
              [28.6, 1535370530000],
              [29.450000000000003, 1535370540000],
              [27.6, 1535370550000],
              [27.4, 1535370560000],
              [27.700000000000003, 1535370570000],
              [28.75, 1535370580000],
              [29.450000000000003, 1535370590000],
              [28.200000000000003, 1535370600000],
              [28.550000000000004, 1535370610000],
              [27.150000000000002, 1535370620000],
              [25.6, 1535370630000],
              [27.450000000000003, 1535370640000],
              [26.9, 1535370650000],
              [26.05, 1535370660000],
              [26.450000000000003, 1535370670000],
              [25.75, 1535370680000],
              [26.700000000000003, 1535370690000],
              [28.35, 1535370700000],
              [27.35, 1535370710000],
              [26.25, 1535370720000],
              [28.05, 1535370730000],
              [30.950000000000003, 1535370740000]
            "target": "web_server_04"
        "spaceLength": 10,
        "spyable": true,
        "stack": true,
        "steppedLine": false,
        "targets": [],
        "thresholds": [],
        "timeFrom": null,
        "timeShift": null,
        "timezone": "browser",
        "title": "server requests",
        "tooltip": {
          "msResolution": false,
          "query_as_alias": true,
          "shared": true,
          "sort": 0,
          "value_type": "cumulative"
        "type": "graph",
        "xaxis": { "buckets": null, "mode": "time", "name": null, "show": true, "values": [] },
        "yaxes": [
          { "format": "short", "logBase": 1, "max": null, "min": null, "show": true },
          { "format": "short", "logBase": 1, "max": null, "min": null, "show": true }
        "yaxis": { "align": false, "alignLevel": null },
        "zerofill": true,
        "links": []
    "refresh": false,
    "schemaVersion": 16,
    "snapshot": { "timestamp": "2018-08-27T11:52:22.450Z" },
    "style": "dark",
    "tags": ["demo"],
    "templating": { "list": [] },
    "time": {
      "from": "2018-08-27T11:47:26.458Z",
      "to": "2018-08-27T11:52:26.459Z",
      "raw": { "from": "now-5m", "to": "now" }
    "timepicker": {
      "collapse": false,
      "enable": true,
      "notice": false,
      "now": true,
      "refresh_intervals": ["5s", "10s", "30s", "1m", "5m", "15m", "30m", "1h", "2h", "1d"],
      "status": "Stable",
      "time_options": ["5m", "15m", "1h", "2h", " 6h", "12h", "24h", "2d", "7d", "30d"],
      "type": "timepicker"
    "timezone": "browser",
    "title": "Big Dashboard",
    "uid": "000000003",
    "version": 16
  "deleteKey": "<delete key>",
  "expires": 0,
  "key": "<access key>",
  "name": "Big Dashboard"
Response body
  "deleteKey": "<delete key>",
  "deleteUrl": "<delete key>",
  "key": "<access key>",
  "url": "<access key>"

For you to be able to create an external snapshot using the HTTP API you’ll need to do at least step 3) using url of your Grafana snapshot server. The tricky part is how you’re going to generate the snapshotData - You basically needs to extract all queries in dashboard and for each use the datasource proxy call api. It’s possible, but not at all trivial.

We hope that Grafana in the future could have http api for generating snapshot and automatically fetching the data needed.