Is there any way to set the built-in FROM and TO variables programatically, based on another variable or dashboard parameter? My dash analyzes a log file and takes the file ID as a parameter. It sets several other parameters automatically with small queries using that file ID. Pulling the correct time bounds for the dash would be just as simple, but I can’t tell how to make the time bounds depend on a query.
I couldn’t find discussion of this in the docs. I found this thread saying it can’t be done, but that was a few years ago so I’m hoping this function has been added.
If it can’t be then my workaround will be to make custom parameters that are query-based, and then make every time-based plot in the dash depend on those instead of the built-in time variables. but i’d rather avoid that
The data source is Bigquery. The input is a free-text string holding a log GUID. So the user might input XXXX-YYYY-ZZZZ, and the query to set FROM would be something like SELECT start_time FROM mydb.my_logs_table WHERE log_id = $log_guid
I’m not sure I understand you. Yes, when I say FROM and TO I’m referring to the date picker fields.
I have my own Bigquery data table which has many columns, including a log_id column, a start_time column, and an end_time column, and many rows, one for each valid log_id.
My desired behavior is that the user would paste a log_id into the variable input, and then the FROM variable would be set automatically, via running the SQL I quoted above, which would return the relevant start time for the row in my table matching pasted log_id. the TO variable would be set the same way.