Separating data to multiple panels


I am using an eclipse hono instance for a cloud. This uses influxDB for the storing the metrics data and a Grafana instance for providing a dash board for visualizing the collected metrics data. I am sending data to this hono instance from 4 devices. However, the default graph board shows all of it on the same panel. How do I separate it onto multiple panels?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Best Regards,

Just add as many panels as you need. Then on the metrics tab of each panel, in edit mode, add a WHERE statement to the DB query, so the results from DB are filtered by device. This should do the trick.

Hi @bitone ,

Thank for the info.

I am sending data from four different devices using the following commands:

However, in the drop down available for the WHERE statement, I get only the data_type, host and tenant. I don’t seem to find a filter for the device.
I am attaching a snapshot for your reference:

Best Regards,

Hi @vamsi3012
Sorry, I’m not a expert in InfluxDB at all. But: Looks to me like you needed the device’s name as a tag in the POST, so you can use it in a filter… Does this make sense?

Hi @bitone,

Yes. Although in the POST command that you see, sensors 1-4 are the authentication IDs for the different devices. So I needed a filter that could make use of this so that I could separate the data.

Hi @vamsi3012
I’m not sure how InfluxDB handels these usernames xx@domain. It seem to strip the sensor name part…
You think it’s bad practice to use the sensor’s name for tagging?

Hi @bitone,

Actually, Eclipse hono accepts data only via the authentication ID of the sensor and not the sensor name. So just following the rules that hono specifies.