My target environment :
- EC2 instance type: r5n.24xlarge
- Chrome Version: google-chrome-stable 116.0.5845.110-1
- OS: Debian 11.7
EC2 instance configured with Running large tests
I’m using K6 version v0.45.1 with the k6-browser module and I have a script that works locally (Windows 11) with a single VU as well as on my target environment with 40 VUs but when I exceed 70 VUs I get the following error:
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x8 pc=0xef2e41]
candidateCreateAccount1k [--------------------------------------] 75 VUs 0m24.7s/3m0s 00/75 iters, 1 per VU
goroutine 174207 [running]:
github.com/grafana/xk6-browser/common.(*FrameManager).NavigateFrame.func1({0x1428c60?, 0xc09a83c540})
github.com/grafana/xk6-browser@v0.10.0/common/frame_manager.go:586 +0x61
github.com/grafana/xk6-browser@v0.10.0/common/helpers.go:145 +0x1f3
created by github.com/grafana/xk6-browser/common.createWaitForEventHandler
github.com/grafana/xk6-browser@v0.10.0/common/helpers.go:137 +0x17d
My script:
I used the “console.error” to see where in the script the error occurred, and appears between step 2 and step 3.
import { chromium } from 'k6/experimental/browser';
import { check, sleep } from 'k6';
import exec from 'k6/execution';
import http from 'k6/http';
export const options = {
scenarios: {
candidateCreateAccount1k: {
executor: 'per-vu-iterations',
vus: 50,
iterations: 1,
maxDuration: '3m',
gracefulStop: '2m',
env: {
EMAIL: 'candidate_',
FIRSTNAME: 'firstname_',
LASTNAME: 'lastname_'
tags: {
test_run_id: 'test-man-70u-62',
discardResponseBodies: true,
export default async function () {
const browser = chromium.launch({ headless: true, timeout: '10m', slowMo: '900ms',args:['no-sandbox']});
const context = browser.newContext();
//force extend default timeout
name: 'my_cookies',
value: `my_cookie_values`,
url: 'https://www.mysite.com/',
const page = context.newPage();
try {
await page.goto('https://www.mysite.com/login', {
waitUntil: 'load',
// CLick on Register link
const registerLink = page.locator('[href="https://www.mysite.com/register"]');
await Promise.all([page.waitForNavigation(), registerLink.click()]);
// Click on "a candidate" option
const candidateOption = page.locator('.col-md-6:nth-child(1) label');
await Promise.all([page.waitForNavigation(), candidateOption.click()]);
// Check url
check(page, {
'Register start': page => page.url() === 'https://www.mysite.com/register/individual',
// Fill register form
const emailField = page.locator('#email');
const email = `${__ENV.EMAIL}${exec.vu.idInTest}@yopmail.com`
await Promise.all([emailField.click()]);
const firstnameField = page.locator('#firstname');
const firstname = `${__ENV.FIRSTNAME}${exec.vu.idInTest}`;
await Promise.all([firstnameField.click()]);
const lastnameField = page.locator('#lastname');
const lastname = `${__ENV.LASTNAME}${exec.vu.idInTest}`;
await Promise.all([lastnameField.click()]);
// Click on Next button
const nextButton = page.locator('.bt-pink.bt-branding.mb-4.btn');
await Promise.all([nextButton.click()]);
// Password
const passwordField = page.locator('#password');
const password = 'MySecurePassword';
await Promise.all([passwordField.click()]);
const confirmPwdField = page.locator('#password-confirmation');
await Promise.all([confirmPwdField.click()]);
// Checkbox GCU
const checkboxGCU = page.locator('.mt-3 > .checkbox > .line-18 > .checkmark');
await Promise.all([checkboxGCU.click()]);
// Click on Create my account
const createAccountButton = page.locator(':nth-child(3) > .text-center > .bt-pink');
await Promise.all([createAccountButton.click()]);
console.error(`Step 1 - ${exec.vu.idInTest}`);
// Send email address to activate account
let data = { user_email: `${email}` };
// Using a JSON string as body For Personal API
let res = http.post('https://my-api.com/account-activation', JSON.stringify(data), {
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
check(res, {
'status code should be 200': res => res.status === 200,
console.error(`Step 2 - ${exec.vu.idInTest}`);
//Force Url to start onboarding
await page.goto('https://www.mysite.com/_/onboarding/intro', {waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded'});
// Check url
check(page, {
'start onboarding': page => page.url() === 'https://www.mysite.com/_/onboarding/intro',
console.error(`Step 3 - ${exec.vu.idInTest}`);
// Onboarding
// Step 1 Before starting
const nextButtonStep1 = page.locator('#js_next-step-1');
await Promise.all([nextButtonStep1.click()]);
// Step 2 : select degree level
const degreeSelect = page.locator('#select2-degreeLevel-container');
await Promise.all([degreeSelect.click()]);
const degreesList = page.locator('#select2-degreeLevel-results');
const nextButtonStep2 = page.locator('#js_next-step-2');
await Promise.all([nextButtonStep2.click()]);
console.error(`Step 4 - ${exec.vu.idInTest}`);
// Step 3 : exp pro
const jobTitleSelect = page.locator('#select2-jobTitle-container');
await Promise.all([jobTitleSelect.click()]);
const jobTitleList = page.locator('#select2-jobTitle-results');
const nextButtonStep3 = page.locator('#js_next-step-3');
await Promise.all([nextButtonStep3.click()]);
// Gender
const radioF = page.locator('#js_radio-female label');
await Promise.all([radioF.click()]);
const nextButtonStep4 = page.locator('#js_next-step-4');
await Promise.all([nextButtonStep4.click()]);
// Privacy : private
const privateOption = page.locator(':nth-child(1) > .card > .card-radio');
await Promise.all([privateOption.click()]);
const nextButtonStep5 = page.locator('#js_next-step-7');
await Promise.all([nextButtonStep5.click(), page.waitForNavigation()]);
// Questionnaires step
const skipButton = page.locator('a[class="btn-secondary bt-branding"]');
await Promise.all([skipButton.click()]);
console.error(`Step 5 - ${exec.vu.idInTest}`);
page.waitForSelector(`#app > div > div > header > div > div > div > div.v-col.v-col-3 > div > button > span.v-btn__content`);
// End : checkUrl
/*check(page, {
'Candidate redirected to his profile': page => page.url() === 'https://my-aws.assessfirst.com/profile/synthesis'
page.waitForSelector(`#app > div > div > header > div > div > div > div.v-col.v-col-9.pa-1 > div > div.brand.d-flex.align-center.mr-8 > a > div`);
// Check url
check(page, {
'Candidate is in his dashboard': page => page.waitForSelector(`#app > div > div > header > div > div > div > div.v-col.v-col-9.pa-1 > div > div.brand.d-flex.align-center.mr-8 > a > div`),
//console.error(`START LOGOUT ########################`);
const avatarButton = page.locator(`xpath=//*[@id="app"]/div/div/header/div/div/div/div[2]/div/div[2]/div/button/span[3]`);
await Promise.all([avatarButton.click()]);
const logoutButton = page.locator(`body > div.v-overlay-container > div.v-overlay.v-overlay--absolute.v-overlay--active.v-theme--afTheme.v-locale--is-ltr.v-menu > div > div > div`);
await Promise.all([logoutButton.click()]);
//console.error(`END LOGOUT ########################`);
} finally {
To see if the limitations came from the server, I carried out a simple test with 1000 users, with success.
import { chromium } from 'k6/experimental/browser';
import { check } from 'k6';
export const options = {
scenarios: {
simpletest: {
executor: 'per-vu-iterations',
vus: 1000,
iterations: 1,
maxDuration: '3m',
gracefulStop: '2m',
tags: {
test_run_id: 'test-man-70u-35',
discardResponseBodies: true,
export default async function () {
const browser = chromium.launch({ headless: true, timeout: '10m' ,args:['no-sandbox']});
const context = browser.newContext();
const page = context.newPage();
console.error('STEP --0----')
try {
await page.goto('https://www.mysite.com/login');
check(page, {
header: page.locator(`xpath=/html/body/div[1]/div/div/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div/h1`).textContent() == 'Login',
console.error('STEP ----1----')
await page.goto('https://www.mysite.com/Page2', {waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded'});
check(page, {
'Candidate is in his dashboard': page => page.waitForSelector(`xpath=/html/body/pre`),
console.error('STEP ------2--')
} finally {
Thanks in advance.