Say it ain't so - Template Variables Can't Be Used With Alerts!?

One of the main deciding factors for me using Grafana over Kibana was the power of templating. I’ve created dashboards that leverage variables which allow the user to easily switch between one API or another and in addition, the environments that they’d like to view.

Now I’m ready to set up alerting and to wrap all my work up in a nice, neat bow.

To my surprise, I’be been met with the “Can’t use variables in query with alerts” message.

So now what do I do? Is there a workaround for this? Does that mean I have to create distinct, non-templatized queries for my APIs?

Hello @kshull, you can follow this feature request for updates on using template variables with alerting. As you can see in the last comment, there is currently a work done on this.

Grafana team has picked up the work on Alerting and we’re in the process of redesigning it to make the best possible alerting experience happen

That’s good to know. Thank you!