Running k6 chromium browser test in Kubernetes cluster using k6 operator


I have setup a local k6 environment on kubernetes cluster using k6 operator and able to run http request load test successfully. Can someone point me the steps to configure the k6 operator to support running chromium browser based test in Headless mode. I am on Mac(Apple silicon) and would like to test browser based scenario on my local Kubernetes cluster.

I see step for running browser based test on Docker standalone, but I am interested in step to run the same on Kubernetes on chromium headless mode.


Hi @themofask , welcome to the community forum!

See this post : K6 operator doesn't support browser module - #3 by nataschas

I hope it helps

@bandorko I tried running as below image, I see initializer status is Completed, but nothing got executed and no pod was launched by initializer to run the test. Same config works fine for normal http test script.

image: grafana/k6:latest-with-browser 

Browser script

NAME                              READY   STATUS      RESTARTS        AGE
pod/k6-sample-initializer-v5ctz   0/1     Completed   0               56s

NAME                              STATUS     COMPLETIONS   DURATION   AGE
job.batch/k6-sample-initializer   Complete   1/1           4s         56s

http script

NAME                              READY   STATUS      RESTARTS      AGE
pod/k6-sample-1-5dk7g             1/1     Running     0             3s
pod/k6-sample-2-d7mxk             1/1     Running     0             3s
pod/k6-sample-3-mcqgt             1/1     Running     0             3s
pod/k6-sample-initializer-94vnm   0/1     Completed   0             5s
pod/pvc-pod                       1/1     Running     2 (17m ago)   138m

NAME                          TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
service/k6-sample-service-1   ClusterIP     <none>        6565/TCP   3s
service/k6-sample-service-2   ClusterIP     <none>        6565/TCP   3s
service/k6-sample-service-3   ClusterIP   <none>        6565/TCP   3s

NAME                              STATUS     COMPLETIONS   DURATION   AGE
job.batch/k6-sample-1             Running    0/1           3s         3s
job.batch/k6-sample-2             Running    0/1           3s         3s
job.batch/k6-sample-3             Running    0/1           3s         3s
job.batch/k6-sample-initializer   Complete   1/1           3s         5s

@themofask In that case I would check the log of the initializer pod, and the log of the manager container in the k6-operator-controller pod which should be in the k6-operator-system namespace.