Hi, has anyone managed to get the influxdbv2 community extension working?
I just get the following error:
ERRO[0001] invalid output type 'influxdbv2', available types are: cloud, csv, datadog, influxdb, json, kafka, statsd
And I’m hoping I’m just doing something stupid…
Hi @larchie ,
Given that the README says:
k6 run ./test.js --out influxdbv2
and it should be
./k6 run ./test.js --out influxdbv2
I would guess that is it ?
What xk6 does is build a completely new k6 binary with the extension and put that in the current directory as k6
but k6 run ...
will just run whatever k6 you have installed normally (in layman terms, it’s technically w/e is in your PATH, which is unlikely to have your local directory) while the second one will run the one in the current directory.
Hope this helps you
Hi @mstoykov yes, I know about that unfortunately, I am definitely running the build with the extension (see attached image).
Have you successfully built and run k6 with this extension?
Thanks, that fixed that problem.
However I’m now getting other issues, so I’m going to continue to investigate…
Seems to be all good now, thanks!