Hey All. I have a question - hoping someone with more expertise can help me answer.
I have a router, that I am getting Streaming Telemetry from. I am attempting to use Singlestat to show the router uptime - as I have in the past with SNMP.
I am able to see the values in InfluxDB - and I can actually use the Graph Visualization to show the Uptime:
However when I attempt to visualize this in Singlestat it just shows N/A, using the exact same InfluxDB Query:
Working Query - SELECT last("/components/component/properties/property/state/value") FROM "m" WHERE ("/components/component/properties/property/@name" = 'uptime') AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null)
Non Working Query - SELECT last("/components/component/properties/property/state/value") FROM "m" WHERE ("/components/component/properties/property/@name" = 'uptime') AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($_interval) fill(null)
Any thoughts/help is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!