Rollback Grafana version

There isn’t an official way of doing a rollback to grafana versions.
The official documents are talking about backing up the database and configuration, but there isn’t way of how rolling back using those backups.

Hello :wave: and welcome to the forum, @talayalon

Can you describe the situation that you are trying to resolve? Just want to make sure the community offers the most accurate advice :+1:

The situtation is this:

  1. How can I downgrade Grafana version?
    I have grafana 7.2.1 running using Helm and I want to upgrade to 8.2.2 using helm.
    I have a backuo of the database but I’m not sure how a downgrade can be done. That’s because you guys doesn’t have an officail way of doing an downgrade.
    AFAIK, the procedure should look like this:
  2. Stop Grafana service (in K8s, change replica number to 0)
  3. Downgrade grafana version (in K8s, change image version)
  4. Starting grafana service (in K8s, change replica number to 1)
  5. Overwrite the sqlite file with the backup (In K8s, this stage should be before starting the grafana)

As you can see, this is not a straight-forawrd procedure and I would expect that there is an offical way of doing that.

Hi @talayalon
For downgrading your OSS Grafana installation will depend on the installation method: system’s package manager or standalone binaries.

If you used the package manager, there’ll be an option to downgrade that specific package to previous versions, if available at the repository – and usually there’s a few versions within the repo. For the standalone binaries, just stop the Grafana service and repeat the installation process with the desired downgraded version.

I hope it helps, if you ever read this.