Hi @chipartem
Welcome to the support forum
I think some background information to guide you to a solution might be necessary here
In the example you have posted, k6 treats the two existing JavaScript scopes in very different ways:
let conn = customPlugin.connect()
It happens in the “init context” and is executed a single time by each VU. Every time it is executed and a connection is instantiated, the connection object lives in a specific VU. That means if you run a test with 10 VUs, each VU will have a different connection object.
// Each VU performs this step 👇 and ends up with its own
// dedicated instance of the connection.
let conn = customPlugin.connect()
export function send_msg() {
// As we are now in the VU context, this code uses the VU
// connection object.
Although it might look like it, the conn
object you define at the top is thus not a unique and shared object across all the VUs, and each of them, instead, instantiates its own copy independently.
We have documented the various lifecycle specificities and guarantees in the documentation: Test lifecycle
I believe it might help you find solutions to your issue.
Solution space
Now, my understanding is that you would like to attempt reconnecting if/when the connection is lost.
If you’re fine with having one connection per VU as described above, making some check in the default function whether there’s a need to reconnect might help:
let conn = customPlugin.connect()
export function send_msg() {
if (!conn.connected) {
But depending on what you do in the rest of your load test, that could skew the results. It really depends.
Let me know if that’s helpful and if I can provide more information and support