Receiving alerts from crowdstrike in grafana webhook and then want them to use xyz contact point

Hello all,

I am using crowdstrike for sending alert emails. Now if the severity is critical then i want to be notified in whatsapp/telegram.

Solution that i am working on:
1] We already have used grafana cloud and grafana oncall so i thought that let’s create integration type webhook in grafana cloud [oncall>integration>Webhook] and then use the same webhook url into crowdstrike webhook configuration, so that every alerts that are generated in crowdstrike will be forwarded to grafana cloud webhook.

2] Now, i want that webhook to send received alerts to contact point which is using telegram[i already have configured this contact point to send notifications in telegram bot] so how to define that this grafana webhook should use this particular telegram contact point? i see no option to choose contact point in webhook type integration like grafana alerting integration.

3] I have tried defining that telegram contact point should be the default notification policy but that is not working as expected and it is not using this contact point.

So, my question is how do i tell this grafana webhook to use contact point telegram without really creating a alert-rule in grafanacloud . Please note that alerts are being forwarded to grafana webhook and are not created in the grafana cloud.

I tried creating contact point which is webhook with the same url and have one contact point telegram, default notification policy is telegram contact point but still webhook is directly routing the alerts per routes defined in webhook integration and not able to use contact point telegram.

How to make sure that this webhook is not directly routing the alerts with routes and just direct these alert to use contact point telegram? if this happens, i will be able to get the forwarded alerts in telegram bot.

I would appericiate your inputs on this if you have any !