Grafana webhook webex alert


We want to send alerts that comes from Grafana to webex chatroom via webhook.
Although we did configuration that mentioned on Grafana user manual we get error like this

"t=2021-09-24T11:35:38+0300 lvl=eror msg=“Failed to send webhook” logger=alerting.notifier.webhook error=“Webhook response status 400 Bad Request” webhook=“UAT COREBANKING ALERT”
t=2021-09-24T11:35:38+0300 lvl=eror msg=“failed to send notification” logger=alerting.notifier uid= error=“Webhook response status 400 Bad Request”
t=2021-09-24T11:35:38+0300 lvl=eror msg=“failed to send notification” logger=alerting.notifier uid= error=“Webhook response status 400 Bad Request”
t=2021-09-24T11:35:38+0300 lvl=eror msg=“Failed to send alert notifications” logger=context userId=62 orgId=1 uname=umut error=“Webhook response status 400 Bad Request” remote_addr=x.x.x.x
t=2021-09-24T11:35:38+0300 lvl=eror msg=“Request Completed” logger=context userId=62 orgId=1 uname=umut method=POST path=/api/alert-notifications/test status=500 remote_addr=x.x.x.x time_ms=194 size=48 referer=

However when we send alert manually by command like this "
curl -X POST -H “Content-Type: application/json” -d ‘{“text” : “Test33”}’ “
we get alert succesfully to our webex chatroom.

Do you have any idea to resolve this problem?


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I am also facing similar issue, able to POST message from local framework using same room id and receive message in webex, but unable to receive when alert notification posted via grafana.

Please guide