Hi all,
I have a problem of understanding the purposes of discover.docker and prometheus.exporter.cadvisor. We have a docker only environment and want to collect metrics from our containers using Grafana Alloy. Alloy is also running in a container and has the docker.sock mounted. We also have a Grafana + Prometheus Server running in another stack.
Now I have difficulty understanding the purpose of discover.docker and prometheus.exporter.cadvisor. I thought I’d understood that discover.docker is to discover all running containers and do something with that. The main purpose is to export the Logs to a Loki instance. The Prometheus.exporter.cadvisor connects to an cAdivsor and gets the metrics that can be forwarded to Prometheus.
My orientation, what I had to configure was that configuration:
The first thing is, how did the prometheus.exporter.cadvisor know how to reach the cadvisor container? How did the connection between these two services work?
When I deploy the configurations prometheus.exporter.cadvisor and prometheus.scrape" I don’t see any metrics in my Prometheus instance.
When I deploy discovery.docker and prometheus.scrape the targets of discover.docker and deploy the cadvisor container, I see metric in my Prometheus instance. Again the question why?
How did anyone in this configuration know from the cadvisor container? And if I stop the container the metrics also stops arriving at the Prometheus instance.
Hopefully, anyone can clarify that for me.
Thanks a lot