QueryVariable isn't executed and do not get values

Currently, I’m developing a Grafana App Scenes, but I have a problem getting data from a QueryVariable, I guess that I have all well configured, but do not get data from this variable.

There are no errors in the console, the only thing is I haven’t got a request on the Network tab. So, no information about what is happening.

Also, I know the data source is well configured because I’m using it in another App using QueryRunner Object. The problem is only using QueryVariable. The app executes only the QueryRunner for the Panel data not the Variable Query.

This is the code that I have implemented right now.

import { EmbeddedScene, SceneFlexLayout, SceneFlexItem, SceneTimeRange, SceneVariableSet, VariableValueSelectors, SceneControlsSpacer, SceneTimePicker, SceneRefreshPicker, QueryVariable } from '@grafana/scenes';
import { getPeakAudiencePanel } from './panels';
import { queryPeakAudience } from './queries';
import { accuracyVariable, apiKeyVariable, authKeyVariable, streamStateVariable, dataLayerVariable, isoPeriodVariable, customerIdVariable, espIdVariable, } from '../../variables';
import { DATASOURCE_INFINITY } from '../../constants';

export  function  getScene() {
  const timeRange = new SceneTimeRange({
    from: 'now-7d',
    to: 'now',

  const regionVariable = new QueryVariable({
  description: "Customer's region",
  includeAll: false,
  label: "Region",
  name: "region",
  options: [],
  query: {
    columns: [
        selector: "name",
        text: "name",
        type: "string"
    filters: [],
    format: "table",
    refId: "variable",
    root_selector: "data.getActiveEIRegions",
    source: "url",
    type: "graphql",
    url: "https://my-grafana-url/graphql",
    url_options: {
      body_content_type: "application/json",
      body_graphql_query: "query MyQuery { getActiveEIRegions { name }}",
      body_type: "graphql",
      data: "",
      headers: [
          key: "x-api-key",
          value: "${api_key}"
      method: "POST"
  refresh: 1,
  regex: "",
  type: "query",

  const variables = new SceneVariableSet({
    variables: [
      apiKeyVariable, authKeyVariable, regionVariable, customerIdVariable, isoPeriodVariable, dataLayerVariable, accuracyVariable, streamStateVariable, espIdVariable

  return new EmbeddedScene({
    $timeRange: timeRange,
    $variables: variables,
    body: new SceneFlexLayout({
      children: [
        new SceneFlexItem({
          width: '100%',
          height: 300,
          body: getPeakAudiencePanel(),
          $data: queryPeakAudience,
    controls: [
      new VariableValueSelectors({ $variables: variables }),
      new SceneControlsSpacer(),
      new SceneTimePicker({ isOnCanvas: true }),
      new SceneRefreshPicker({
        isOnCanvas: true,

Thanks in advance.