I have 2 Prometheus urls and I am trying to add Prometheus datasource for grafana
- How are you trying to achieve it?
apiVersion: 1
- Did you receive any errors in the Grafana UI or in related logs? If so, please tell us exactly what they were.
Error reading Prometheus: an error occured withing plugin
tls: unknown certificate
- Did you follow any online instructions? If so, what is the URL?
Grafana documentation
Hello @mamdyalv,
I had a lot of issues with SSL/TLS certification with something else, I’ll just provide you some commands to try to figure out what could be wrong:
First of all, check if your certificate are still up to date:
openssl x509 -enddate -noout -in <prometheus_certificate.pem> # Could be in /etc/prometheus/certs
openssl x509 -enddate -noout -in <ca_certificate.pem> # I guess /apps/certificate/csm_root_ca.pem
If this is okay, try to check if your prometheus_certificate is correcly signed by your ca_certificate:
openssl verify -CAfile <ca_certificate.pem> <prometheus_certificate.pem>
Finally, you can check what happen with your the TLS/SSL certification during the connection:
openssl s_client -connect fml-prometheus-nonprod.abc.com:9090
If you only want to see the SSL certificate and not all the detail:
openssl s_client -connect fml-prometheus-nonprod.abc.com:9090 | openssl x509
Let me know if you’ve been able to see any problems!
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I checked all you mentioned. Everything is seems to be okay but still I am facing error on grafana UI as:
Error reading Prometheus: an error occured within the plugin
And in grafana logs it showing error as:
Failed to parse tls ca pem certificate.
Tls: unknown certificate
Hey @mamdyalv,
I’ll not be able to help you with Prometheus.
Can you show a little more of your Grafana log (please use ``` syntax), and the ssl part of your grafana.ini