I have a grafana cloud setup with a prometheus receiving in this url https://prometheus-prod-22-prod-eu-west-3.grafana.net/prom/push
I am trying to send the k6 metrics as well to prometheus to remove statsD and i am using -o experimental-prometheus-rw with the latest k6 version ( k6 v0.47.0 (commit/5ceb210056, go1.21.2, linux/amd64)
I have tried as well building a new binary with the extension in its latest version as well with same results.
k6 run -o experimental-prometheus-rw test.js
I have tried with 2 enpoints
/api/v1/write the one in the documentation and in the local environment
/prom/push the one we are using in our environment to push metrics
both with same results.
ERRO[0010] Failed to send the time series data to the endpoint error=“got status code: 404 instead expected a 2xx successful status code” output=“Prometheus remote write”
In local i can correctly send the metrics to localhost:3000/api/v1/write
with the flag --web.enable-remote-write-receiver, that is as well in the documentation of k6, but i am failing to find it to enable it in grafana cloud.
Not sure if it is only problem I have in the process, but at the moment i am stuck not being able to enable it in our grafana cloud and not being sure whether it is or not enabled
Any idea or reference?