Problem constructing MySql sql query from variable with "ALL" option


In one of my dashboard, I use variable (appear as combobox) for user to select option for the sql query in the panel (data table) to start querying based on the selection.

The options in the variable (appear as combobox) are:

  1. Option A: Aaa
  2. Option B: Bbb
  3. Option C: Ccc

Let’s call this variable option, and later I will refer this variable with $option
I also enable “ALL” selection for the variable so that make it

  1. ALL
  2. Option A: Aaa
  3. Option B: Bbb
  4. Option C: Ccc

In the panel (data table), the SQL query is as such:

Select col1, col2, col3 from table1 where col4 in ( “$option” )


When the user select single option, for eg: Option A: Aaa, the sql works.
The SQL will be like this:

Select col1, col2, col3 from table1 where col4 in ( “Option A: Aaa” )

But when user select “ALL” option, the sql does not works.

Select col1, col2, col3 from table1 where col4 in ( “Option A: Aaa, Option B: Bbb, Option C: Ccc” )


How can I make this SQL works with the situation as mentioned above?