Parsing Json Logs with values containing dashes

Hi folks! I’m attempting to provide a view of logs on my Grafana dashboard for a specific Pod in a large log dataset from a Kubernetes cluster. Our pod names contain dashes (“-”) between key elements which works fine when using Helm to create them. However, I’m getting an error when try to use an expression to filter the logs by pod name. Here is my query expression code:
{exporter=“OTLP”} | json attributes_event_name=“config-service-56895c48cd-r4rvm.17b0f8880a332914”

Here is the provided error:

Status: 500. Message: parse error : stage ‘| json attributes_event_name=“config-service-56895c48cd-r4rvm.17b0f8880a332914”’ : cannot parse expression [config-service-56895c48cd-r4rvm.17b0f8880a332914]: unexpected char -
(Trace ID: ad7b6bb569d886070d02c7ca9127b563)