Observation regarding Bar Gauge

Hello, my first message here, I am quickly becoming a fan.
I am using Bar Gauge
azure sql db query is as such

  convert (varchar (10), matkl) as material_type, sum(brtwr) as spend
--where matkl != '001'
group by matkl order by spend desc

the output is such

material_type spend
001 17822.40
ZFRAME 1542.00
ZFORK 94.86
ZWHEEL 48.44
ZSEAT 3.95

So there is one material type of “001”, it will confuse the Bar Gauge greatly. If I get rid of it with the where clause then the bar gauge looks awesome, but if 001 comes as part of the result the output is messed up
it causes incorrect repeating like so

only the lower 5 rows should be shown in the bar gauge and not 10 rows

Can you open the query inspector and copy the result data in here (with the Copy to Clipboard button) so that I can figure out if it is a bug or not.

Hi Daniel, sure, here is the result of the query inspector for this scenario

I had to add a where clause to this, if the matkl of ‘001’ is not the first result (with highest number) in the query then the bar gauge does not look messed up. Also, to “fix” it I added

concat ( 'Mat Group ', matkl ) to the select to ensure that field is never just a number. But maybe you can find something interesting from this, it did surprise me when I first noticed the issue

Stefan Manns

Principal Product Specialist



"request": {

"url": "api/tsdb/query",

"method": "POST",

"data": {

"from": "1587395034586",

"to": "1587396834586",

"queries": [


"refId": "A",

"intervalMs": 60000,

"maxDataPoints": 1888,

"datasourceId": 1,

"rawSql": "select  matkl  as material_type, sum(brtwr) as spend from SM_EKPO_NEW_RECS where matkl not in ('ZFRAME','L001')\r\ngroup by matkl order by spend desc",

"format": "table"





"response": {

"results": {

"A": {

"refId": "A",

"meta": {

"rowCount": 7,

"sql": "select  matkl  as material_type, sum(brtwr) as spend from SM_EKPO_NEW_RECS where matkl not in ('ZFRAME','L001')\r\ngroup by matkl order by spend desc"


"series": null,

"tables": [


"columns": [


"text": "material_type"



"text": "spend"



"rows": [






























"type": "table",

"refId": "A",

"meta": {

"rowCount": 7,

"sql": "select  matkl  as material_type, sum(brtwr) as spend from SM_EKPO_NEW_RECS where matkl not in ('ZFRAME','L001')\r\ngroup by matkl order by spend desc"




"dataframes": null



