NodeGraph Structure

I am new to NodeGraph and trying out with Graphql queries. Somehow I can not figure out the structure required for the NodeGraph, can anyone please help?

My Graphql Query:
mutation { data:exportNodeGraph(input: {nodeGraphType: TEMPLATE, id:1}) { name fields { ... on GraphNodeField { id title } ... on GraphEdgeField { id source target } } frame { meta { preferredVisualisationType } } } }

{ "data": { "exportNodeGraph": [ { "name": "nodes", "fields": [ { "id": "1", "title": "TITLE" }, { "id": "2", "title": "RU" }, { "id": "3", "title": "Sim-1" } ], "frame": { "meta": { "preferredVisualisationType": "nodeGraph" } } }, { "name": "edges", "fields": [ { "id": "1--2", "source": "1", "target": "2" }, { "id": "2--3", "source": "2", "target": "3" } ], "frame": { "meta": { "preferredVisualisationType": "nodeGraph" } } } ] } }

Hi @shaikadil95 ,

Have you explored the NodeGraph documentation yet?. Also, being in beta, breaking changes might still occur.

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