Nodegraph Panel with Prometheus as Datasource


Does the NodeGraph panel support other data sources? The documentation says it only supports X-Ray Visualization right now.

Is support for other datasources expected? I need data source from Prometheus to be displayed on the nodegraph

Hi @amitkatti1

Node graph panel is still in beta and yes, X-ray is the only datasource rn, but I believe there is strong interest and ongoing work to expand support. What those timelines look like, I couldn’t say, but I could ask around the org and see if there is a release calendar or something

That would be great @mattabrams

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That would be super helpful, thanks!

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Any updates? Can prometheus be used as a datasource?

Hi all,

I’ve reached out to several squads to see what info I can dig up re: roadmap. More this week :+1:

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Any progress - were we able to get a direction on what next steps were going to be?

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+1 to this, we would really like to see prometheus hooks for this

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Node graph does now work for Tempo, I’ve got it running in Explore, unfortunately I can’t get it showing up on the dashboard for some reason:


Dashboard Panel:

Any updates regarding this? Do we have prometheus support for node graph. If yes, kindly share some docs, Thanks.

There is no specific documentation for prometheus and nodegraph. Just read nodegraph and prepare data in the right format.

For example this dashboard

uses metrics from Prometheus to visualize data flows with nodegraph panel type.

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