I have a power plug measuring the power consumption. My Home Automation system (Home Assistant) is able to show graphs for a short period; this is for example the last 3 hours graphic:
It represents the correct power consumption.
All data from Home Assistant is send to InfluxDB which is the database source for Grafana.
I read already some hours in the Grafana docs but can’t get more or less the same graph.
The problem is that at 13:19:40 the power consumption is 43,6 Watts, this consumption remains till 13:53:09. At 13:53:10 the consumption becomes 4,20 Watts. In between these 2 reference points there is no update (see below pictures)
Grafana draws a line between these 2 reference points but it should ‘keep’ the value (43,6) untill a new value (4,20)is presented.
What’s wrong in my setup? I’d like to retrieve the same diagram as HA publishes.
Thanks in advance for your help.
(Apologies for my poor English)