MySQL to Grafana


I have a SQL and it works fine in PHPMyAdmin:

    AVG(Energy) AS "AVG"
    FROM (
          UNIX_TIMESTAMP(time) DIV 86400 * 86400 AS "time",
          count(val)/1000 AS "Energy"
        FROM history
          time BETWEEN FROM_UNIXTIME(1643380305) AND FROM_UNIXTIME(1645972305) AND
          topic = 'hesi/home/energy'
        GROUP BY 1
	) AS xx

And the inner Select works fine in Grafana:

  count(val)/1000 AS "Energy"
FROM history
  $__timeFilter(time) AND
  topic = 'hesi/home/energy'
ORDER BY $__timeGroup(time,1h)

But as soon as I add the outer Select I won’t get any data.

I have a bar chart with energy consumption of my house per day(inner Select) and I wanna add a line with the average energy consumption per day(outer Select).
Can someone point me in the right direction or show me how to convert SQL to Grafana SQL?

Best regards

There is no such thing as “Grafana SQL” - whatever SQL you enter into Grafana will be sent to your datasource/DB. I believe your problem is that for a normal (for example bar chart) in Grafana you would select three things:

  1. A date/time.
  2. A Metric (e.g. the title of the 1 or more bars you want to show).
  3. A Value.

At the very least you need a time and a value which is what your inner select has so it works. Your other AVG select is only selecting a single value, no date, no metric so Grafana cannot show a graph with just a single value.

OK thanks for the reply!
I didn’t had a date/time in my query, thanks!

This is the my Query now:

    AVG(Energy) AS "AVG"
    FROM (
          count(val)/1000 AS "Energy"
        FROM history
          topic = 'hesi/home/energy'
        GROUP BY 1
	) AS xx

“$__time()” gives me the current time and “AVG(Energy)” the average energy per day.

I thought I could just make it a horizontal line with some options, but I can’t find any.
Is there any trick to make it a horizontal line? I found this one, but I don’t get it…