Mysql Time series assistance

I have a table as follows:

MySQL [cms_management]> select processingFrom, inserts from runs order by processingFrom DESC limit 2;

| processingFrom | inserts |
| 1580853600000 | 508264979 |
| 1580594400000 | 421500762 |
2 rows in set (0.04 sec)

How do I graph this in Grafana with processingFrom being in human readable date?

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You just have 2 entries in this table? And what is the meaning of human readable date. While your data don’t have any date column??

Thank you for the reply.

processingFrom is the date column in unixtime and inserts is the data I need to plot

I ran a limit 2 for this example as the table is big. I would like to use the time series (30 days) on Grafana to set the date range

Make your current panel editable and open visualization style.

Set Data format .

Change your query

select processingFrom as Date, inserts from runs order by processingFrom DESC limit 2;

You can see multiple Date functions available in influxdb query method . :slight_smile: