Hi All,
I’m a Grafana rookie so please forgive me if I’m missing something obvious, but I did my best to find a solution and I came up blank…
I’m trying to add a Prometheus Datasource that is secured using a short lived OAuth token. The prometheus oauth token has nothing to do with the Grafana user authentication. I need the Grafana server to fetch a new OAuth token whenever the existing token has expired and to attach it to all my PromQL requests to this particular Prometheus datasource as a ‘bearer’ token.
Initially I thought this might be possible with the ‘Routes’ config in Prom’s plugin.json as described here: https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/developers/plugins/add-authentication-for-data-source-plugins/#enable-token-authentication. How that doesn’t seem to work for me, likely because it needs deeper plugin integration.