Hi Team,
we are trying to addapt the loki login framework for on-premises kubernetes cluster, we have rook-ceph object storage solution, but loki is not able to connect the s3 as rook-ceph object storage, could you please help on this ?
below are the error messages when we try to connect the object storage url
e have rook-ceph object storage and we are trying to install loki using the ceph object storage we have configured like below as s3.
storage: bucketNames: chunks: chunks ruler: chunks admin: chunks s3: accessKeyId: id given secretAccessKey: key given endpoint: http://rook-ceph-rgw-object-store.rook-ceph.svc.cluster.local/chunks insecure: true s3forcepathstyle: true type: s3
we are getting below issue, its appending the endpoint like below, can you please give me solution to use the rook-ceph object storage
level=error ts=2023-11-22T09:18:26.158906343Z caller=flush.go:143 org_id=fake msg=“failed to flush” err=“failed to flush chunks: store put chunk: RequestError: send request failed\ncaused by: Put “[http://chunks.rook-ceph-rgw-object-store.rook-ceph.svc.cluster.local/fake/a1f567fb8196af22/18bf5d21296%3A18bf5d21297%3A1f8dbcc7\](http://chunks.rook-ceph-rgw-object-store.rook-ceph.svc.cluster.local/fake/a1f567fb8196af22/18bf5d21296%3A18bf5d21297%3A1f8dbcc7\)”: dial tcp: lookup chunks.rook-ceph-rgw-object-store.rook-ceph.svc.cluster.local on no such host, num_chunks: 1, labels: {app=“loki”, component=“backend”, container=“loki-sc-rules”, filename=”/var/log/pods/default_loki-backend-2_af6267be-4e5b-401c-9669-c58fe964684f/loki-sc-rules/0.log", instance=“loki”, job=“default/loki”, namespace=“default”, node_name=“mongodb2”, pod=“loki-backend-2”}"