Loki component="memberlist TCPTransport" msg="failed to read message type" err=EOF


I am trying to deploy three Loki v.2.9.4 instances in monolithic mode on my nomad-cluster, using docker. Each instance is running on a different nomad node. I am facing some issues with the memberlist component, any help is very appreciated.
Once I spin up the Loki instances the log is filled with the following warn message and continues to do so:

level=warn ts=2024-02-09T11:32:27.228361615Z caller=tcp_transport.go:253 component="memberlist TCPTransport" msg="failed to read message type" err=EOF remote=

level=warn ts=2024-02-09T11:32:29.229249009Z caller=tcp_transport.go:253 component="memberlist TCPTransport" msg="failed to read message type" err=EOF remote=

level=warn ts=2024-02-09T11:32:31.230123383Z caller=tcp_transport.go:253 component="memberlist TCPTransport" msg="failed to read message type" err=EOF remote=

level=warn ts=2024-02-09T11:32:33.231003539Z caller=tcp_transport.go:253 component="memberlist TCPTransport" msg="failed to read message type" err=EOF remote=

level=warn ts=2024-02-09T11:32:35.231360847Z caller=tcp_transport.go:253 component="memberlist TCPTransport" msg="failed to read message type" err=EOF remote=

level=warn ts=2024-02-09T11:32:37.23184231Z caller=tcp_transport.go:253 component="memberlist TCPTransport" msg="failed to read message type" err=EOF remote=

Loki is trying to connect to the docker host ip address instead of the address of the container as you can see with
The members are active and are discovered through consul and the DNS SRV lookup.

Ring status:

Running configuration

auth_enabled: false

        max_concurrent: 16
        max_outstanding_requests_per_tenant: 32768

        chunk_idle_period: 5m
          dir: /loki/ingester-wal

          active_index_directory: /loki/tsdb-index
          cache_location: /loki/tsdb-cache
          shared_store: s3

          - from: 2024-01-01
              period: 24h
              prefix: index_
            object_store: s3
            schema: v12
            store: tsdb

        working_directory: /loki/compactor
        retention_enabled: true

        enforce_metric_name: false
        reject_old_samples: true
        reject_old_samples_max_age: 168h
        retention_period: 4320h
        node_name: loki0
          - _loki._memberlist.service.consul.io

            store: memberlist
            s3forcepathstyle: true
            bucketnames: "loki"
            endpoint: https://URL
            region: eu-de`

I haven’t used nomad before, so I can’t really tell you how to fix it. Quick glance at Nomad it doesn’t seem to have its own networking layer like Kubernetes do, so it may be a bit tricky.

Essentially, the entry you have in memberlist needs to either be one entry per instance, or something that can be resolved to contain all instances.

For example, looking at your configuration it looks like a SRV record, so you should follow the documentation here and configure service discovery (About Grafana Mimir DNS service discovery | Grafana Mimir documentation), and it should look like this (not tested):

  - dnssrv+_loki._memberlist.service.consul.io

Also your screenshot is not available.

It seems like we’ve encountered a layer 8 issue here!
As you may be aware, Nomad utilizes health checks through TCP connections to monitor the status of running services. Something like this:

    network {
      port "memberlist" {
        to = 7946
    service {
      name = "loki"
      port = "memberlist"

      check {
        type     = "tcp"
        interval = "2s"
        timeout  = "2s"

Nomad connects via TCP to the port 7946 and Loki doesn’t know what to do with an empty TCP-request, that’s why I received the EOF messages in the Log.
Thank you for helping!
I didn’t know about the service discovery via dnssrv+ , that’s going to save me some trouble later.

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