This is the panel as seen in the alert Page. The main identifier is “snmp”, which is the
field of the datapoints I’m querying and since the
field and all the tags are the same, those two series can not be kept apart.
This is the panel as seen in a Dashboard context. The main identifier in this case is “ABB_Port_13” and “ABB_Port_14” respectively, so those two series can be uniquely identified.
When trying to reduce this query to get a two dimensional alert, the tags of the two are the same. When pressing the “Preview Alert” button, the error message
invalid format of evaluation results for the alert definition : frame cannot uniquely be identified by its labels: has duplicate results with labels {IP-Adresse=xx.xx.xx.xx, Raum=xxx, Standort=xxx, Stockwerk=xx, ZaehlerID=42268, agent_host=xx.xx.xx.xx, name=xxxx, type=ABB xxx}
It seems like even if the _field
field is correctly put as the main identifier, the alert still can’t identify the two streams because it tries to do this via the given tags and not the _field
, since the main identifier is being replaced with the name of the Reduce Expression, in this Case “B”.
Original Query:
import "date"
from(bucket: "XXXX")
|> range(start: date.truncate(t: date.sub(d: 90m, from: v.timeRangeStart), unit: 30m), stop: date.truncate(t: now(), unit: 30m))
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "snmp")
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["IP-Adresse"] =~ /xx.xx.xx.xx/)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] =~ /ABB_Port_13/ or r["_field"] =~ /ABB_Port_14/)
|> aggregateWindow(every: 30m, fn: mean, createEmpty: false)
|> difference(nonNegative: false, columns: ["_value"])
|> difference(nonNegative: false, columns: ["_value"])
|> map(fn: (r) => ({ r with _value: r._value / 10.0 }))