Kafka in AWS error when launching k6

Hi, i’m experiencing some trouble when running a k6 performance test with kafka which is located in AWS, I get an error? Could someone provide any support?

Error message

kafka: client has run out of available brokers to talk to (Is your cluster reachable?)
PalmaSolIEXT4 /c/k6----------] Init metric outputs
$ fault   [--------------------------------------]


$ k6 run \
  --logformat=raw \
  --out kafka=brokers=[OMITED].eu-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com:9094,topic=k6-output,format=json \
export let options = {
  **insecureSkipTLSVerify: true,**
  duration: "1m",
  vus: 100

Hi @Isaac,

I would expect that either the broker isn’t reachable or it returned an error.

Can you try to connect with something like telnet, or something that speaks kafka from the same machine.

Also running with -v will probably give you more information about what is going wrong and whether you at all manage to send metrics to kafka.