I have 2 test scripts -
- http.js - to test the kube-api service https://kubernetes.default.svc/api
- create-pod.js - to create pods with high cpu load referenced from xk6-kubernetes/examples/pod_operations.js at main · grafana/xk6-kubernetes · GitHub
for the http.js script, the initializer, starter and sample pods gets created.
kubectl get pods
pod/k6-sample-1-89pvh 1/1 Running
pod/k6-sample-initializer-nn5bw 0/1 Completed
pod/k6-sample-starter-spl7r 0/1 Completed
the sample pods, shows logs for few seconds, later it gives connection issues or immediately goes in containerstatusunknown state
kubectl logs pod/k6-sample-1-89pvh
time=“2024-01-11T19:57:51Z” level=warning msg=“Request Failed” error=“Get "https://kubernetes.default.svc/api\”: tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority"
time=“2024-01-11T19:57:51Z” level=info msg=“Status Code: 0” source=console
time=“2024-01-11T19:57:51Z” level=info msg=“Response Body: null” source=console
after 2s :
kubectl logs pod/k6-sample-1-89pvh
Error from server: Get “https://<>:10250/containerLogs/k6-demo/k6-sample-1-89pvh/k6”: dial tcp <>:10250: connect: connection refused
kubectl get pods
pod/k6-sample-1-89pvh 0/1 ContainerStatusUnknown
pod/k6-sample-initializer-nn5bw 0/1 Completed
pod/k6-sample-starter-spl7r 0/1 Completed
- for the create-pod.js, it does not show any logs
in few cases, the describe pod shows readiness probe getting failed
kubectl describe pod/k6-sample-1-89pvh
Type Reason Age From Message
Normal Created 102s kubelet Created container k6
Normal Started 102s kubelet Started container k6
Warning Unhealthy 100s (x2 over 101s) kubelet Readiness probe failed: Get “http://<>:6565/v1/status”: dial tcp <>:6565: connect: connection refused
Warning FailedMount 48s kubelet MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume “k6-test-volume” : object “k6-demo”/“k6-test” not registered
Warning FailedMount 47s kubelet MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume “kube-api-access-75vxj” : object “k6-demo”/“kube-root-ca.crt” not registered
Any suggestions to resolve both the issues is appreciated.