I’m new to the load testing and k6-operator. I have the requirement of load testing using k6-operator with xk6-kafka extension. I have installed k6-operator in kubernetes cluster using helm install command. Now I’m not sure about how to install the xk6-kafka extension with this deployment and how to work with it. Can you guys provide me some guide to establish this. I really appreciate your help. Thank you.
Thank you for responding. I actually need the deployment to be done in kubernetes as a part test running. If you could provide some guidance around that it would be helpful.
You can build all the needed extensions into a custom k6 docker image with xk6 and push that image to an image repository accessible to your Kubernetes cluster (eg.: docker hub) as @eyeveebee suggested
or you can use the official xk6-kafka image if you just need the xk6-kafka extension. https://hub.docker.com/r/mostafamoradian/xk6-kafka