We run k6 cloud and I am trying to get the Datadog integration working. Is there a way to debug the config, because at the moment it all runs fine, but I see no metrics in Datadog
Documentation says that if the config is wrong it will be ignored, so it’s a bit tricky to figure what went wrong.
Here is my config
export const options = {
stages: [
{ duration: “2m”, target: 100 },
{ duration: “5m”, target: 100 },
{ duration: “2m”, target: 200 },
{ duration: “5m”, target: 200 },
{ duration: “5m”, target: 600 },
{ duration: “1m”, target: 600 },
{ duration: “5m”, target: 50 }
thresholds: {
‘http_req_duration’: [‘p(90)<1000’]
ext: {
loadimpact: {
name: ‘Test’,
projectID: XXX,
vus: 600,
duration: ‘25m’,
distribution: {
“amazon:ie:dublin”: { loadZone: “amazon:ie:dublin”, percent: 50 },
“amazon:se:stockholm”: { loadZone: “amazon:se:stockholm”, percent: 50 },
apm: [
provider: “datadog”,
apiKey: __ENV.API_KEY,
appKey: __ENV.APP_KEY,
region: “eu”,
includeDefaultMetrics: true,
includeTestRunId: true