I am a beginner who has just started using Grafana. I am currently using Grafana to display non-timeseries data retrieved from Elasticsearch (ES). My goal is to periodically display all data from a specific index. For instance, with an index named “demo”, I want Grafana to periodically run my query and display the results in a list-like format.
However, I am facing an issue where, upon connecting Grafana to my Elasticsearch, it prompts a “No data field named createTime” error. I have verified that the “createTime” field exists in every record within my ES index. Despite having this data field, no results are shown when I attempt to use this data source in Grafana.
I am seeking advice on the following:
- Possible reasons why Grafana is not displaying any data.
- How to effectively display non-timeseries data in Grafana using my current setup.
- grafana : v9.4.7
- es: v8.8.2
Any suggestions or insights would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
This is a example for my data in ES:
"_index": "jdbc-monitor-sql-record",
"_id": "1787401118389878784",
"_score": 1.0,
"_source": {
"id": "1787401118389878784",
"sqlId": 1787401118389878784,
"statementId": 1576936424,
"sql": "CREATE ALIAS DELAY FOR \"org.demo.H2Alias.delay\"",
"executeTime": 0.162978,
"stack": "com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidPooledStatement:execute(-1)\norg.demo.test.connection.ApplicationTest:checkConnection(57)\norg.demo.test.connection.ApplicationTest:main(20)\n",
"createTime": [