Is the otel syslog exporter actually available in 1.5.1?

In 1.5.1 the otelcol.exporter.syslog was merged in - feat: OpenTelemetry syslog exporter by dehaansa · Pull Request #2132 · grafana/alloy · GitHub. When using otelcol.exporter.syslog with the image I get an error saying the component isn’t there - even if I drop the stability level to experimental. I had previously built an image using the fork of the PR and this works fine with the configuration I tried for 1.5.1.

My confusion stems from the exporter not being in the release notes. If it was, I would raise a bug but it isn’t mentioned. Can anyone help?

Hello! Version 1.5.1 does not contain this component. It is just a patch release which includes mostly bugfixes. The otelcol.exporter.syslog component is due to be released in v1.6, which will come out on January 8th.

Thanks Paul. Much appreciated