Is is possible not to use "sum by ..." syntax for loki histogram?


First, thanks for many Grafana features!

I have one question regarding loki histogram graph.

Is is possible not to use “sum by …” syntax for loki histogram?

I used 8.3 version of Grafana, it wasn’t use “sum by …” syntax to fetch the data for loki histogram.

However, since v8.4 it seems to fetch histogram data by using “sum by …” syntax like below example. (I am using grafana v9.2)

sum by (level) (count_over_time({test="test"}[1s]))

I guess due to fullRangeLogsVolume option?

Moreover, since v8.4 it seems to request each to show loki log data and histogram, respectively.

  1. Is there way to disable to use “sum by …” syntax and show loki histogram ?
  2. Is there way to request 1 time to show loki log data and histogram by using the response data ?

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