InfluxDB and Grafana Plugin Worldmap Panel

Hello Andreas,
I’ve been reading through quite a lot of your posts as I’m currently attemptng to implement WorldMap on my grafana.I have the same issue that geohash is being stored as a field key instead of a tag key. I’ve searched the internet on how to change this, but haven’t had any luck. Can you help me?

Dear @coe,

the answer might depend on the database you are using. @mkemper is using InfluxDB here. Then, it depends on how to work with the InfluxDB-client of your choice in order to insert geohash values as tags.

A tutorial about the InfluxDB line protocol is available at

Examples about how to write data points using the Python client for InfluxDB can be found at

With kind regards,

Hello @mkemper and @amotl , I’d like to ask you how do you get lat an lon information and with which tool you insert it into InfluxDB. I’m trying to use Logstash with geoip filter but without a success! It returns me an error where it says it couldn’t parse a file blah blah: invalid boolean…

Thanks for any help!