How can i configure infinity plugin in grafana with OAuth to view the json which is in gcloud storage bucket. I tried with access token, but it is expiring after 1 hr, is there any way to refresh the token?
There is a way of refreshing it but it is an anti pattern. Looks like refreshing token is on the roadmap for next version:
opened 10:10PM - 12 Feb 23 UTC
## version 2.0
- [ ] token refresh authentication
- [ ] pagination of result… s
- [ ] prom/loki agent
- [ ] local timeshift
- [ ] move backend experimental features out of beta
- [ ] backend transformations
## No milestone
- [ ] Join results from multiple APIs
Also this might help
Do infinite things with Grafana. Turn any website into beautiful grafana dashboards. Supports HTML, CSV, JSON, XML & GraphQL documents.
if not you can peruse and post that question here
CSV, JSON, GraphQL, XML and HTML datasource for grafana. - Issues · yesoreyeram/grafana-infinity-datasource