I'd like some help setting up some company / open source Github Metrics

Hi there,

What Grafana version and what operating system are you using?

Grafana Cloud (Grafana v8.0.3)

What are you trying to achieve?**

I’m a community manager for a company called Salsa [Digital] and I need some ways to track metrics for my developers against specific open source repositories. The aim of these metrics is to report on how the company and our developers are contributing back to to open source software.

I think I can do this with Grafana but am rather new to using it and haven’t done DevOps for a while so I’m hoping to get some help, please! :slight_smile:

What I would like to achieve is a few dashboards,

  1. A dashboard that tracks a specific list of about 15 developers, and shows their activity, such as
  • How many commits by each Salsa developer
  • How many PRs each Salsa developer has created
  • How many PRs reviewed by each Salsa developer
  • How many issues each Salsa developer has raised
  1. A dashboard that shows the top repositories that each developer has contributed to (based on aggregate data from 1)

  2. A dashboard that shows the metrics (as per point 1) against a specific list about 20 public Github repositories… for example

  • quantcdn/drupal
  • govCMS/lagoon
  • govCMS/scaffold-tooling
  • dpc-sdp/tide_core
  • salsadigitalauorg/merlin-framework
  • and more

How are you trying to achieve it?

I’ve set up an Personal Access Token. And imported the JSON from the

So far I’ve got something working here… Grafana

This currently only shows the stats as per the imported JSON file, for the GovCMS organisation and for GovCMS repository…

I can’t see a way to select a list of repositories from multiple organisations, or to specify a list of users?

  • Can you copy/paste the configuration(s) that you are having problems with?

I’m using the basic JSON file from the Grafana GitHub datasource

Did you receive any errors in the Grafana UI or in related logs? If so, please tell us exactly what they were.

No errors.

Did you follow any online instructions? If so, what is the URL?

I followed instructions as per, How we use the Grafana GitHub plugin to track outstanding pull requests | Grafana Labs the Grafana GitHub Datasource page

hi @kristydevries

I don’t think that the functionality you are looking for will be available out-of-the-box with Github Plugin. To track multiple repo you might need to use template variables, or configuring multiple github datasources (I could not view your snapshot).

Perhaps this will help. Check out this public dashboard:

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