I want to monitor my server CPU, RAM usage, Disk Stats and other I/O

Hi Everyone,

I want to monitor my Ubuntu server using Grafana, and I’m already using Loki for log aggregation. Additionally, I want to monitor metrics such as CPU, RAM, disk usage, and other server statistics. I’ve already configured collectd on my server.

Can someone please guide me on how to integrate Loki with collectd and display server metrics in Grafana? I’ve found plenty of articles about using Prometheus for this purpose, but not much about Loki.

Thank you!

loki is for collecting logs…

prometheus is for metrics…

you can use grafana alloy as the single collector agent for loki, prometheus, otel etc. instead of installing multiple agents or collectors…

hey @sowdenraymond Thanks for replying
But my requirement is more specific about collectd. Can you please provide me with context on how I can integrate it with my Grafana dashboard?