How to set TestRun with --no-summary --no-thresholds

Based on this post here.

I am looking to have our test run use the arguments --no-summary --no-thresholds.

I think I am setting it incorrectly since the summary report still ran at the end of the test, and the memory consumption was not reduced.

My yaml looks like this (removed sensitive information)

kind: TestRun
parallelism: 1
name: kafka-test
file: kafka-script.js
separate: false
arguments: --no-summary --no-thresholds

How can I set --no-summary --no-thresholds in my yaml.

Thank you!

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Hi @tggk,

Welcome to our community forums! :tada:

I’m not an expert on this topic (the k6-operator), so I cannot help here. But let me assign this thread to our expert @olhayevtushenko, and see if they can shed some light.

Note that this may take a bit longer than usual, cause we’re in the middle of a festivity period, and I don’t know their availability to help with this. But I hope they will eventually do :crossed_fingers:


Thanks @joanlopez :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @tggk :wave: Your yaml is not formatted in this post (FYI, one can use the backticks ``` to properly format the code), but it looks like you’re passing arguments as .spec.runner.arguments. It should be .spec.arguments instead.

The full documentation for a CRD is a WIP, but we have some examples over here:

Let me know if additional info is required.

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