I have created a private load zone to use in k6 tests, but I needed to create another one because the first doesn’t seem to be working correctly. So I created a second one, but when I try to run the tests I get:
ERRO[0001] (400/E4000) Invalid load zones: 'my-second-plz'. Must be one of: 'amazon:us:ashburn', 'amazon:bh:bahrain', 'amazon:sa:cape town', 'amazon:us:columbus', 'amazon:ie:dublin', 'amazon:de:frankfurt', 'amazon:cn:hong kong', 'amazon:gb:london', 'amazon:it:milan', 'amazon:ca:montreal', 'amazon:in:mumbai', 'amazon:jp:osaka', 'amazon:us:palo alto', 'amazon:fr:paris', 'amazon:us:portland', 'amazon:br:sao paulo', 'amazon:kr:seoul', 'amazon:sg:singapore', 'amazon:se:stockholm', 'amazon:au:sydney', 'amazon:jp:tokyo', 'my-first-plz'
It is still seeing my first plz and isn’t seeing the second one. So I deleted the whole cluster that had the first plz, but it’s still seeing the first plz and not seeing the second.
How do I delete the first plz and get k6 to see the newer one?
For context I have used minikube to create the clusters.