How to access/import public/app folder inside custom panel plugin

Hi there,

We are creating custom table panel plugin with grafana/ui.

We are unable to access the public/app/store or public/app/features. github link

import { dispatch } from ‘…/…/…/store/store’;
import { applyFilterFromTable } from ‘…/…/…/features/variables/adhoc/actions’;
import { getDashboardSrv } from ‘…/…/…/features/dashboard/services/DashboardSrv’;

We tried to import in this way (it didnot work):
import { dispatch } from ‘.grafana/app/store/store’;
import { applyFilterFromTable } from ‘grafana/app/features/variables/adhoc/actions’;
import { getDashboardSrv } from ‘grafana/app/features/dashboard/services/DashboardSrv’;

Please suggest the simple way.


HI @durgaprasadthokala,

Did you find any solution to this?