How do you send multiple individual alerts from one query?

This is my Query:
from(bucket: “telegraf”)
|> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r[“_measurement”] == “Interfaces”)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r[“_field”] == “Interface_Heartbeat” or r[“_field”] == “Heartbeat”)


and these are the results:

{company=“NetStrong”, host=“InterfaceServer”, instance=“_Total”, location=“Orlando”, objectname=“Interface-FTP1”, os=“Windows”, source=“InterfaceServer”}

{company=“NetStrong”, host=“InterfaceServer”, instance=“_Total”, location=“Orlando”, objectname=“InterfacePerfMon1”, os=“Windows”, source=“InterfaceServer”}

{company=“NetStrong”, host=“InterfaceServer”, instance=“_Total”, location=“Orlando”, objectname=“Interface_UFL”, os=“Windows”, source=“InterfaceServer”}

{company=“NetStrong”, host=“InterfaceServer”, instance=“_Total”, location=“Orlando”, objectname=“Interface_UFL1”, os=“Windows”, source=“InterfaceServer”}

{company=“NetStrong”, host=“InterfaceServer”, instance=“_Total”, location=“Orlando”, objectname=“Interface_UFL2”, os=“Windows”, source=“InterfaceServer”}

{company=“NetStrong”, host=“InterfaceServer”, instance=“_Total”, location=“Orlando”, objectname=“Interface_UFL3”, os=“Windows”, source=“InterfaceServer”}

{company=“NetStrong”, host=“InterfaceServer”, instance=“_Total”, location=“Orlando”, objectname=“Interface_UFL4”, os=“Windows”, source=“InterfaceServer”}

{company=“NetStrong”, host=“InterfaceServer”, instance=“_Total”, location=“Orlando”, objectname=“Interface-random1”, os=“Windows”, source=“InterfaceServer”}

{company=“NetStrong”, host=“InterfaceServer”, instance=“_Total”, location=“Orlando”, objectname=“Interface-random2”, os=“Windows”, source=“InterfaceServer”}


as we can see there are many “objectname”. There are 9 in total and only 3 online. So 6 are firing from this query.

When an alert is sent to ServiceNow, it includes 6 entries within 1 alert posted onto ServiceNow.

I have been trying to figure out how to send 1 alert per each objectname.

So instead of 6 entries within 1 alert → there would be 1 entry and 6 alerts posted.

I know I can make 6 different alerts rules with a static variable for each objectname.
What I am trying to figure out, is if it is possible to do this within 1 alert rule or if it is somehow possible to do this dynamically (dynamic variable for objectname)?