How can I move 100 EC2 instances from datadog to grafana

How can I move 100 EC2 instances from datadog to grafana, those EC2 instances are running vault and consul process… I need to monitor them in grafana need to monitor to vault and consul process, disk cpu and memory… please share me steps dear members I have a centralised amp setup which has eks cluster how can I bring these EC2 instances in that AMP…do I need to add any role

To monitor 100 EC2 instances with Vault and Consul processes in Grafana, you first need to configure the metrics exporters for Vault and Consul on each EC2 instance. Next, you should set up metrics collection for CPU, memory, and disk. After this, you need to connect Grafana with your centralized monitoring agent (AMP) using the appropriate plugin or integration. Finally, create dashboards in Grafana to display Vault and Consul metrics.