Group duration value is giving wrong value

HI Team,

Im trying to run async functions in group.following is an example of our implementation. and the group duration is giving us wrong response time. the functions inside the group is taking more than 10 seconds but group durations shows milliseconds which wrong . could some one help us what exactly is causing this .

export const priceQuotation = async () => {
const form: any = new Form(forms.PRICE_QUOTATIONS_FOR_CUSTOMERS);
await group(“ERP_S01_TC01_PriceQuotation_StartForm”, async () => {
await form.start();
await group(“ERP_S01_TC02_PriceQuotation_Update Customer name”, async () => {
await form.recordEdit(true, 0);
const record = await form.fieldUpdate(“CUSTNAME”, “100001”);
await form.recordSave();
quotation = record.Fields[4].Value.Str;
check(record, {
‘user is Karthik’: (r) => r.Fields[1].Value.Str === ‘Karthik MA’,
}); */
console.log(Quotation no = ${quotation});
}); }

Tried “.then” instead of async/await approach and still when we have multiple calls inside a group we are getting wrong response time for that group. need some assistance in this.